Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Learning Objectives

    3. Course Materials

    4. Course Catalog

    1. Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) and the Competing Behavior pathway (57:19)

    1. Chapter 1 Quiz

    1. Considering impacts of setting events and selecting Replacement Behaviors (1) (34:13)

    2. Considering impacts of setting events and selecting Replacement Behaviors (2) (10:45)

    3. Considering impacts of setting events and selecting Replacement Behaviors (3) (08:17)

    4. Considering impacts of setting events and selecting Replacement Behaviors (4) (09:07)

    5. Considering impacts of setting events and selecting Replacement Behaviors (5) (10:25)

    1. Chapter 2 Quiz

    1. Connecting the FBA to Behavior Intervention Plans (1) (39:31)

    2. Connecting the FBA to Behavior Intervention Plans (2) (37:38)

About this course

  • $299.00
  • 6.5 Contact Hours

Learning Objectives

Describe the neurological connection to the various sensory strategies for treating children and adolescents diagnosed with complex trauma, Autism, ADHD and Sensory Processing Disorders

Implement current treatment techniques such as mindfulness, activation of the Vagus nerve, music and movement, and respiratory-based techniques to improve client level of functioning

Design neurologically tailored sensory interventions in the treatment of challenging behaviors in children, such as hyperactivity, hypo-activity, aggressiveness, self-stimulatory and inattentiveness

Develop treatment plans based on the Self-Regulation and Mindfulness, and Trauma Treatment in ACTION approaches

Meet Your Instructor

Lynne DeSousa

Lynne DeSousa, MS, School Psychologist is a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Specialist and the Response to Intervention (RTI) and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Integration Coordinator for the Colorado Department of Education (CDE). In more than 26 years in education, she has served as a CDE Regional Implementation Consultant, a district PBIS/Mental Health coordinator, school-based PBIS Facilitator, a school psychologist, and a counselor. She brings a unique perspective to the work of alignment and integration within a multi-tiered framework and how to effectively and efficiently layer a continuum of evidence-based practices that matches supports to student need. Lynne has an M.S. in School Psychology from California State University, Fresno. Financial disclosure: Ms. DeSousa is employed by the Colorado Department of Education, and she receives speaking and consulting fees. There are no non-financial relationships to disclose.

Target Audience

General Education Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Principals and Administrators, School Counselors, Speech-Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, School Psychologists, Social Workers, Resource Room Teachers, Behavior Specialists, Autism Specialists, Case Managers, Instructional Assistants, Paraprofessionals, Instructional Coaches

Target Age Range: K- Grade 12

Credits Offered for This Course

Learn more below

  • ASHA CEUs: 0.65

  • NASP credit hours: 6.5

  • NASW hours: 6.5

  • AOTA CEUs: 0.65

  • Graduate Credit

  • Clock Hours

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